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Sensonics Overspeed Protection System

⦿ Voted arrangements – 2 out of 3 as standard
⦿ On line test trip and signal injection facilities
⦿ Key lock inhibit
⦿ High visibility displays and lamps
⦿ Approval to IEC 61508 SIL-3
⦿ Dual redundant power supply option.
⦿ Response time <20ms

DN26 G3 Tacho &
Speed Monitor

The DN26 G3 Tacho Monitor is a single channel option for the standard monitor which can be realised through uploading the Tacho option measurement algorithm. Providing high visibility display, flexible alarm functionality and speed monitoring local to the machine. Ideal for OEM machinery applications with easy integration.

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Download the engineers’ guide to specifying vibration monitoring systems

If you are designing a system which uses vibration monitoring then this guide can help you specify vibration monitoring systems.

This guide covers:

  • Types of vibration sensors
  • Monitoring equipment
  • Questions to ask when designing or specifying a vibration monitoring system
  • Why work with Sensonics

Please enter your details in the form to get your copy.


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Our experienced Application Engineers are available to assist you in solving any problems that you may have concerning the choice and application of any of the Sensonics products in the measurement and control of vibration, position, temperature and proximity.

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