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Sensonics Maintenance & Support

Maintenance & Support


Sensonics recognise the need to maintain and support equipment through the full product lifecycle. The investment made by our customers in our equipment is taken seriously and we manage obsolescence to ensure we maximise the return on that investment.

Sensonics Product Obsolescence Policy

We offer on-site maintenance support as well as a return to the base facility, capable of providing fully traceable equipment calibration to UKAS standards.

Our site team are experienced and suitably qualified with the necessary approvals for nuclear and military site working.

Contact Sensonics for further details.

Our Products

Download the engineers’ guide to specifying vibration monitoring systems

If you are designing a system which uses vibration monitoring then this guide can help you specify vibration monitoring systems.

This guide covers:

  • Types of vibration sensors
  • Monitoring equipment
  • Questions to ask when designing or specifying a vibration monitoring system
  • Why work with Sensonics

Please enter your details in the form to get your copy.


Get your copy

Have questions?

Talk to an expert

Our experienced Application Engineers are available to assist you in solving any problems that you may have concerning the choice and application of any of the Sensonics products in the measurement and control of vibration, position, temperature and proximity.

Maintenance Engineers working
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